Facebook, Teleconference, 2017 Summit, Website Updates, and Upcoming Webinar
NUCA of Virginia is Now On Facebook
The chapter Facebook page was launched on April 25th. We'll be using Facebook to get out important chapter updates, events, and announcements. Follow us to stay in the loop! Like the NUCA of Virginia Facebook page now.
Chapter Teleconference on May 3rd at 2:00pm
Please join us for the next chapter teleconference on May 3 at 2:00pm. We will be discussing chapter advocacy, safety training, events, and more. Contact Jessica for an Outlook invitation. Email Jessica now for an Outlook calendar invite.
2017 Washington Summit Preparations
Last year, NUCA of Virginia had a very successful lobbying day in coordination with NUCA of DC's Northern Virginia members. This year we are planning on an equally successful event, so please be sure to register for the Washington summit and let Jessica know that you'll be joining the chapter group.
NUCA of Virginia Website Updated
The chapter website got a bit stale during the Executive Director's leave, but it's been updated with upcoming events and news. Check out all the changes at www.nucaofva.com. Fighting Melanoma: It's Not Just Skin Cancer Webinar
Wednesday, May 3, 2017 at 1:30pm EST
Join CNA and our valued expert speaker, Cheryl Stratos, Director of Marketing and Sales, National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA), as she discusses some of the issues faced with melanoma, her personal battle after being diagnose with Stage IV Metastatic Melanoma Cancer and being given 6 months to live.