Contractors who join NUCA of Virginia before November 15th, 2017 not only receive the rest of 2017 free of charge, they ALSO receive a FREE customized silica program written by NUCA's Director of Education & Training, Jim Stepahin. Jim will also travel to your place of business and conduct a FREE Silica Class developed by NUCA's Vice President of Safety, George Kennedy.
This program will:
Train Your Employees on Silica Hazards
Produce a Written Silica Exposure Control Plan
Help Your Company Comply with OSHA's Crystalline Silica Regulation
Contact Jim Stepahin at jim@nuca.com or (703) 358-9300 for more details on the program.
This offer racks up a $2,500 value! Your membership will essentially pay for itself with this single benefit.
To learn about the other benefits of being a NUCA of Virginia member and to download a membership application, visit www.nucaofva.com/join.
Don't delay! The original November 15th, 2017 deadline has been extended for a limited time! You can still get this deal! The new cut-off date will be announced soon!
*Limited to new, first-time members joining NUCA of Virginia for 2018. Current/renewing members are not eligible. Offer has been temporarily extended and the cutoff date is TBA.