NUCA Staff Meets with Office of Management and Budget
Today, NUCA Director of Government Affairs, Will Brown, and Vice President of Safety, George Kennedy, meet with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to talk about OSHA's proposed silica rule. The OMB is in the final stage of the ruelmaking process, verifying that the rule OSHA created is compliant with existing rules and to look into the rule's economic impacts.
An explanation of NUCA's position and main talking points is available here, so you can see what they will be bringing up to the OMB. The repercussions of this rule, if it were to become active, are costly to contractors in every industry sector. Compliance would involve retrofitting equipment, testing air quality at jobsites, and health screening.
NUCA will continue to argue that the proposed rule is unnecessary, as well technically and economically infeasible.